"Jersey Shore"

Situation: Andrew Stewart is a successful San Francisco Architect. At his best, he’s a smart, likable professional, with a wide range of interesting accomplishments to his credit. Unfortunately, Andrew often focuses on the negative, which keeps him from moving forward on issues important to his long-term growth. Stuck in a rut and frustrated by his own frustration, Andrew requested 'a new life.'
Idea: Character development, with a goal of bringing Andrew’s finest qualities to the surface more often. This would allow him to deal with life's daily situations from his most positive headspace.

Execution: To change repetitive behaviors, it was determined that Andrew had to truly change how he acted,. He needed to 'become someone else' and adapt a new personality. Reaching into his past, it was discovered that Andrew’s biggest smiles came from thinking about his Summers on the East Coast.

The new man: A more positive rock-star-like alter ego was created for Andrew and he was given a new name: JERSEY SHORE. Jersey represented the best of Andrew Stewart.

Andrew studied his part. Then he had his hair cut at a nice salon and bought more stylish clothes to help complete the Jersey Shore transformation.

The unveiling: Jersey was introduced at a gallery opening. Instantly, he was the center of attention. Normally shy, his smile was ear-to-ear. Conversation and laughter surrounded him. His confidence soared.

Attributable highlights: New house and SUV, multiple dates, a series of positive business moves and an invitation to an exclusive local fashion show.

Life Scripts™
Because life's not so hard when you know what to say.